Activities & Schedule
Each day at camp is measured not so much by the many daily activities, rather by prayer. We begin the day in our beautiful Gracanica Monastery with Matins (morning prayers), and end the day with Vespers (evening prayers), with responses sung by everyone present. The worship of God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is fundamental to the life and spirit of our campers.
Give rest, O Christ, to the souls of thy servants who are with the saints, where there is no suffering, nor sorrow, and no sighs, but life immortal.
We remember the late Prince Andrej, departed members of the Royal House, and all those who served the people
We remember of blessed memory Metropolitan Iriney and all bishops and priests of the Diocese who blessed the camps
We remember the late Dragica, Beba, Millie, Protinica Marcetic, and all other departed KSS sisters who worked in the camps
We remember Draza Mihajlovich and all those Serbian heroes who gave their lives “for the honorable Cross and golden Freedom”
Church attire should be modest and appropriate; if you do not have suitable clothing we will call your parent/guardian to bring you appropriate clothing
Boys church attire:
Khaki pants or dress slacks
Collared dress shirt or polo
Dress shoes or loafers
NO t-shirts, jeans or gym shoes
Girls church attire:
Dresses or skirts at the knee or longer
Sweater to cover shoulders
Sensible shoes; no gym shoes
NO pants or shorts
NO spaghetti straps, tops that reveal navel/midriff area
The church is God’s house and should be treated with respect and reverence
Campers from each room come downstairs for church together; don’t forget to turn off bathroom and room lights
On the way to church, line up by the fountain – girls on one side, boys on the other, shortest to tallest
Cross yourself:
When entering through both sets of doors
Before you kiss the icon
When the priest says “In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”
When the priest censes you
When receiving a blessing from the priest, place your right hand over the left palm then kiss priest’s hand
Kiss the priest’s hand when being greeted
Campers actively participate in the church service – use the correct service sheets to sing the responses and read the prayers
Use good behavior and self-control at all times when in church; never chew gum, eat food, candy, etc.
Keep reasonably still and quiet – do not talk, yell, laugh, rock back and forth, lean, etc.
After the service, stand quietly until it is time to exit
Address the Bishop as Your Grace
Address the priests as Father or Oče
Address your elders as Čika (male) or Teta (female)